Well yesterday I went to a local craft...place. I don't really know what it's called, as it's not really a fair, as it's open regularly like a shop, but has many craft shops and stalls inside such as a glass blowing place and a craft gift shop.
But about a year and a half ago, they brought along a birds of prey exhibition, and I thought it was just for a limited time only, but coming back today I saw that there were a few birds there.
I was on my own there, so I did a bit of mooching around, and took many photographs, but I loved these template silhouettes of the owls when walking into the birds of prey place, they really stood out...
I'm sure going back there again soon! :D
By: Izzy_A | Sunday, 20 June 2010 at 10:59 | | 
I don't know why I have such a fascination with this programme, since mostly I am a Sci-Fi kind of girl. I'm thinking that it's the fact because it's right after school, and anything which doesn't involve a proper storyline or need to concentrate much really makes me happy to watch it.
I have to admit, the actors in it are pretty awesome, and the teenage daughter is VERY pretty, but the storylines...well...they really don't have a point to them. Like I said, they're great after a hard day of school, yet, I couldn't really see me watching it in my spare time in the morning, or whatever.
To be honest, it's pretty rubbish. But I love it. And nothing on it is going to change my feelings towards it :)
...(Apart from when the daughter goes to College, they should have finished the show by then.)
By: Izzy_A | Tuesday, 8 June 2010 at 08:21 | | 
I have realised that I seem to fall in love with people whom I really shouldn't. The last 2 guys my age whom I have fancied the pants off, have both been players, who I know would make me cry, and they wouldn't realise it.
The most recent guy i'm practically falling in love with, is a man who is 5 years older than me. Cringe much? Well, he is the best guy in my opinion, but he hardly notices me (Except when he serves me coffee, as he is a Barista at a coffee branch)
Eurgh! What is a girl to do?
Labels: Fancy Boy Love Crush Dilemma
By: Izzy_A | Sunday, 6 June 2010 at 09:22 | |