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More Tea Anyone?


I've been meaning to make this post for awhile now. Living in an average sized town in England, I regularly leave it to go to more interesting places, via the open road.
Well, when I say 'the open road' I am more referring to busy streets and motorways.

But the one thing I love when it comes to traffic is how every so often, it shows human nature. Yes, human nature, you heard me right. And it's always down to one quite big thing...
...the emergency services.

When you hear the word 'traffic' or 'motorway', you instantly think of bustling traffic jams, with rude gestures, horns beeping and a now-and-then curse. But I love the fact that when an emergency service is brought into the question, everyone seems to show empathy with the vehicle, and do all they can to allow it past, creating the easiest pathfor it to cross through.

I don't want to wish it on myself, but if I do happen to need the emergency services, then I hope people still hold this to them to help me.

By: Izzy_A | Friday 25 February 2011 at 08:19 | |


I take a lot of picture's when i'm out and about, and I wondered if any of you would be interested in me including pictures a lot more into my blogs? I always think about it, but I always wonder if you'd actually be interested in them...?

Comment saying whether you think I should or not :)

By: Izzy_A | Tuesday 27 July 2010 at 08:06 | |


I'm sorry guys, but this is going to be a bit of a moaning kind of post.

It's just that time in a teenage girl's life at the moment, where they really do think they don't belong anywhere, they won't ever get a boyfriend, they have no friends, they're ugly...etc.

And you guys know, if you're following me on other things such as Dailybooth or Twitter, I always try to be optimistic, so it really shocks people when I turn like this, and it shows that everyone has dodgy days like this. It's just weird how much it has an impact on what you look like.

But enough moaning, I thought you'd like a new little thing from me to show that I haven't forgotten about you all, but i've been busy with working, and getting family/friend issues sorted (which are STILL happening, eurgh!)

Hope you all are having a good day though :)

I'll post some more goodness up soon, from your good ol' Izzy :)


By: Izzy_A | at 06:48 | |

I'm an average Teenager.

It's days like this I do believe i'm an average teenager.

I mean, I will have love problems, and I moan about them to my friends via msn and text.

I may become very bored, so I log on to the computer, which makes me even more bored, but I refuse to get off it, so I can see what pictures my friends have been taking of themselves pouting in front of a mirror, and then claiming for them to be 'beyond gorgeous', when it's just because I know they don't like their image in the mirror, and i'm trying to be a good friend, by re-assuring them.

I will look at my homework diary, and realise I have way too much homework to leave until one night, but I put it off and go back onto facebook anyway.

I sometimes quote song lyrics in my facebook and Twitter status updates, and people may comment on it, depending on what kind of mood the song lyrics are set to. Funnily enough, no one really comments on the happy song lyrics, but as soon as you post sad, lovey dovey lyrics, they seem to be all over you.

I will oggle at a guy, way too old for my standards.

I will look at happy couples, and have a sinking feeling in my stomache, knowing that I am not one of them.

But mostly,

I'm like a normal teenager, which is what I always re-assure to myself. These worries which seem big now, such as being too fat, too ugly, not having straight enough hair, or having one spot, will disappear in a matter of time. This may range from something like a week, to a year, but these teenage worries will vanish.

At times like these, I have to remember my Gran's words, about how she always wishes she was a teenager again. I remember back at them, and realise many things. Sure, I have 'worries', but I need to make the most of my young life.

By: Izzy_A | Wednesday 21 July 2010 at 10:15 | |

Well yesterday I went to a local craft...place. I don't really know what it's called, as it's not really a fair, as it's open regularly like a shop, but has many craft shops and stalls inside such as a glass blowing place and a craft gift shop.

But about a year and a half ago, they brought along a birds of prey exhibition, and I thought it was just for a limited time only, but coming back today I saw that there were a few birds there.

I was on my own there, so I did a bit of mooching around, and took many photographs, but I loved these template silhouettes of the owls when walking into the birds of prey place, they really stood out...

I'm sure going back there again soon! :D

By: Izzy_A | Sunday 20 June 2010 at 10:59 | |

Gilmore Girls

I don't know why I have such a fascination with this programme, since mostly I am a Sci-Fi kind of girl. I'm thinking that it's the fact because it's right after school, and anything which doesn't involve a proper storyline or need to concentrate much really makes me happy to watch it.

I have to admit, the actors in it are pretty awesome, and the teenage daughter is VERY pretty, but the storylines...well...they really don't have a point to them. Like I said, they're great after a hard day of school, yet, I couldn't really see me watching it in my spare time in the morning, or whatever.

To be honest, it's pretty rubbish. But I love it. And nothing on it is going to change my feelings towards it :)
...(Apart from when the daughter goes to College, they should have finished the show by then.)

By: Izzy_A | Tuesday 8 June 2010 at 08:21 | |

Cupid seems to hate me.

I have realised that I seem to fall in love with people whom I really shouldn't. The last 2 guys my age whom I have fancied the pants off, have both been players, who I know would make me cry, and they wouldn't realise it.

The most recent guy i'm practically falling in love with, is a man who is 5 years older than me. Cringe much? Well, he is the best guy in my opinion, but he hardly notices me (Except when he serves me coffee, as he is a Barista at a coffee branch)

Eurgh! What is a girl to do?


By: Izzy_A | Sunday 6 June 2010 at 09:22 | |

Google Doodle - Pacman!!!

I thought this was worth it's little shout out on my blog (:

If you go onto Google today (which is most likely since it's practically the most viewed website in the world :D) then you will notice that it's sporting a PacMan themed doodle. It looks pretty stylish on it's own...but no...just wait.... after about 5 seconds of loading time (on my laptop - yours might be faster or slower?) you can actually play the game within the little doodle! How cool is that? :D

I wonder how many work men are being distracted from it today, I'm a school student, and it's completely distracted me from homework...
...HURRAH'S for Google! :D


By: Izzy_A | Friday 21 May 2010 at 10:43 | |